I have never had a pet portrait session, what can I expect?

Great question! You can expect a guided experience from the first phone call to the delivery of product. Having professional portraits taken can create undo stress and that is what I alleviate. Together we go through the planning of the session to the choosing your favorite images and designing of art work. So you have beautiful, heirloom quality portraits of your favorite pet to immediately enjoy!

Where do the portraits take place?

Any outdoor location that is pet friendly. The location should be special and meaningful to you. If you are having a mind block of possibilities, I can help brainstorm some great locations to fit the scene you envision.

Can I be in the photos?

Absolutely! Creating portraits showcasing the bond between you and your favorite furry friend is welcome.

What if my pet won't hold still for photos?

Whether it’s a wriggly dog or a horse that wants to be nose down in the grass, rest assured I’ll get great photos of them. Working as a team, using treat-cues or other cues to get their attention those fun yet wonderful photos will be created. I also work on pet time. If they are nervous, excited, or timid I’ll work with your pet. Usually I can get the photos needed within an hour but if it takes better than an hour that’s ok. I don’t stack my session to assure there is ample time for each client portrait session.

Can I buy digitals?

The digitals themselves are not offered for sale but you do get the complimentary digital with each image purchased in art work. For instance, if you get a three piece gallery of wall art, you will receive those three images in digital form with a watermark, good for sharing on social media with friends and family but not sized for printing. I have found in the past that digitals are forgotten about and not enjoyed like wall art, albums, and even holiday cards. If you are wanting only the digitals, we may not be a great fit.

Do you offer a payment plan?

Yes, I do. At the ordering session, after the down payment is made, the remaining balance will be divided up into three equal payments. Those payments will be made on the first day of each month until paid off. Art work will not be ordered or delivered until order is fully paid.

When do I ge the product I ordered?

After the order session I immediately process the images you have chosen for art work and place the order with my professional photo lab. It will take roughly two to four weeks for delivery of your product. Complimentary, social media sized digitals will be delivered in an online gallery, at the time of product deliver, in which you can download to your device.

What information should I give you before the session?

It is ideal to know what types of poses you are wanting so I can make sure those are created for you. Are you wanting wall art for your office? Or a statement piece of Rusty hanging in your living room? An album displayed on your coffee table to tell a story of your favorite furry friend would also be incredible. Have in mind those images so we can discuss them at the planning session and how you would like them displayed in your home, office, or barn. Having an idea of what you’d like to order will help in guiding what images are created.

Can I have more than one pet in the portraits?

Yes, up to two is included in the session. If there are three or more there will be a $50 per additional pet as there is added post processing involved with each image.

What about leashes, halters, and lead ropes?

Safety is my first priority, keeping dogs and horses on their leads is preferred to keep everyone safe. Dogs can remain on leashes and horses on their lead ropes. Those items will be removed in post processing. Dogs wearing a collar is preferred over a harness. The collar is easier to touch up in post processing than the harness. For horses, if you are wanting the halter removed, a thinner rope halter is preferred over a thicker nylon. I have a rope halter if needed for the session.

How can I prep for the session?

If possible, take your pet to the location of the portrait session if they have never been there. It will help acclimate them to new smells, sights, and sounds. Wash/groom them the day before so they are fully dry for the session. Clean tack/gear, even grooming brushes; using a dirty brush on clean animal transfers the dirt to your clean pet. Your pet and the gear used should be show-ready for their day of fame.

How much is a portrait session and what does it include?

There is a $195 retainer fee that secures your session date on my calendar. Art work is a separate investment. I offer an a la carte style of product (gallery-wrapped canvas, metal prints, and albums). From this we can build the collection that best fits your needs. My clients spend, on average, $1500 - $2000 and receive an album with 15 favorite images and one or two pieces of wall art.

When and how will I see my images?

Two weeks after the portrait session we will get together (if manageable). You will start with viewing a slide show of your images for you to sit back and enjoy. Then we will go through each one, choosing your favorites. From your favorites, wall art can be designed to fit your space or an album layout chosen to tell a story.

When is a good time of day for sessions?

Early morning or later afternoon, early evening. The lighting is gentle and does not cast a harsh shadow. I schedule sessions on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I also schedule on one Friday and one Saturday per month. Those dates fill fast so schedule early for a Friday or Saturday portrait session.
